Smallville dvd label

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Unread 08-02-2010, 00:30

Posts: n/a

Smallville dvd label

Some new clean version of labels for smallville series which match to my covers.

6 discs for each season.

Matching covers >>>here<<<
Smallville dvd label
Smallville dvd label
  The "" WATERMARK wil only be shown in the low-resolution preview and not in the high-resolution download!
  Download the high-resolution files here:
SMALLVILLE-Label-ENG-1.rar (5.41 MB,  126 downloaders )
SMALLVILLE-Label-ENG-2.rar (5.38 MB,  103 downloaders )
SMALLVILLE-Label-ENG-3.rar (5.48 MB,  103 downloaders )
SMALLVILLE-Label-ENG-4.rar (4.92 MB,  104 downloaders )
SMALLVILLE-Label-ENG-5.rar (4.98 MB,  100 downloaders )
SMALLVILLE-Label-ENG-6.rar (5.43 MB,  100 downloaders )
SMALLVILLE-Label-ENG-7.rar (5.53 MB,  101 downloaders )
SMALLVILLE-Label-ENG-8.rar (5.04 MB,  108 downloaders )
SML-LABEL-ENG-9.rar (5.27 MB,  149 downloaders )
SML-LABEL-ENG-10.rar (4.78 MB,  95 downloaders )
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Last edited by fsurfer; 30-10-2018 at 00:00. Reason: Fixed typo on Labels for Season 10

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