DVD label preview action script

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Unread 01-02-2007, 00:35

Posts: n/a

DVD label preview action script


-do not resize "dvd edge color.jpg" leave at 1600x1600
-size your label to 1400x1400 pretty much the standard
-paste you label on the "dvd edge color.jpg" as new layer.
-label layer should be unlocked now.
-run the action - size to your preference.

pretty basic, but does the job, made for PhotoShop CS2
edges of the dvd are slightly transparent

  The "Customaniacs.org" WATERMARK wil only be shown in the low-resolution preview and not in the high-resolution download!
  Download the high-resolution files here:
mega's_dvd_preview_action.rar (59.3 KB,  100 downloaders )
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