The Studio Ghibli Collection blu-ray label

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Unread 22-08-2012, 19:13

Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 86
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The Studio Ghibli Collection blu-ray label

Blu-ray labels for all twenty-three Studio Ghibli-related features and two key short film disc releases from over the past few decades.
The Studio Ghibli Collection blu-ray label
  The "" WATERMARK wil only be shown in the low-resolution preview and not in the high-resolution download!
  Download the high-resolution files here:
castleofcagliostro.rar (1.52 MB,  21 downloaders )
nausicaaofthevalleyofthewind.rar (1.30 MB,  25 downloaders )
castleinthesky.rar (1.53 MB,  29 downloaders )
graveofthefireflies.rar (1.33 MB,  23 downloaders )
kikisdeliveryservice.rar (1.50 MB,  27 downloaders )
onlyyesterday.rar (1.98 MB,  19 downloaders )
oceanwaves.rar (2.24 MB,  18 downloaders )
princessmononoke.rar (1.03 MB,  29 downloaders )
myneighborstheyamadas.rar (1.28 MB,  21 downloaders )
spiritedaway.rar (648.6 KB,  27 downloaders )
talesfromearthsea.rar (1.66 MB,  24 downloaders )
ponyo.rar (1.19 MB,  29 downloaders )
arrietty.rar (2.06 MB,  23 downloaders )
totoro.rar (2.41 MB,  28 downloaders )
porcorosso.rar (1.03 MB,  25 downloaders )
pompoko.rar (1.70 MB,  21 downloaders )
whisper.rar (2.15 MB,  24 downloaders )
catreturns.rar (1.99 MB,  22 downloaders )
howls.rar (990.9 KB,  29 downloaders )
poppyhill.rar (1.03 MB,  24 downloaders )
ghiblishortfilms.rar (1.37 MB,  15 downloaders )
iblardjikan.rar (1.48 MB,  16 downloaders )
thewindrises.rar (1.57 MB,  11 downloaders )
thetaleofprincesskaguya.rar (900.2 KB,  13 downloaders )
marniewasthere.rar (1.70 MB,  5 downloaders )
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Last edited by garthfrank12; 15-08-2017 at 11:53.

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