392 - Films by Hiroshi Teshigahara (Pitfall/Woman In The Dunes/The Face Of Another) dvd label

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Unread 06-10-2012, 01:01
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392 - Films by Hiroshi Teshigahara (Pitfall/Woman In The Dunes/The Face Of Another) dvd label

Custom Labels For Three Films By Hiroshi Teshigahara
#393 Pitfall - When a miner leaves his employers and treks out with his young son to become a migrant worker, he finds himself moving from one eerie landscape to another, intermittently followed (and photographed) by an enigmatic man in a clean white suit, and eventually coming face to face with his inescapable destiny. Hiroshi Teshigahara’s debut feature and first collaboration with novelist Kobo Abe, Pitfall is many things: a mysterious, unsettling ghost story, a portrait of human alienation, and a compellingly surreal critique of soulless industry, shot in elegant black and white.

#394 Woman In The Dunes - One of the sixties’ great international art-house sensations, Woman in the Dunes was for many the grand unveiling of the surreal, idiosyncratic worldview of Hiroshi Teshigahara. Eija Okada plays an amateur entomologist who has left Tokyo to study an unclassified species of beetle that resides in a remote, vast desert; when he misses his bus back to civilization, he is persuaded to spend the night in the home of a young widow (Kiyoko Kishida) who lives in a hut at the bottom of a sand dune. What results is one of cinema’s most bristling, unnerving, and palpably erotic battles of the sexes, as well as a nightmarish depiction of everyday Sisyphean struggle, for which Teshigahara received an Academy Award nomination for best director.

#395 Face Of Another - A staggering work of existential science fiction, The Face of Another dissects identity with the sure hand of a surgeon. Okuyama (Yojimbo‘s Tatsuya Nakadai), after being burned and disfigured in an industrial accident and estranged from his family and friends, agrees to his psychiatrist’s radical new experiment: a face transplant, created from the mold of a stranger. As Okuyama is thus further alienated from the strange world around him, he finds himself giving in to his darker temptations. With unforgettable imagery, Teshigahara’s film explores both the limits and freedom in acquiring a new persona, and questions the notion of individuality itself.
392 - Films by Hiroshi Teshigahara (Pitfall/Woman In The Dunes/The Face Of Another) dvd label
  The "Customaniacs.org" WATERMARK wil only be shown in the low-resolution preview and not in the high-resolution download!
  Download the high-resolution files here:
#393 Pitfall.rar (1,009.4 KB,  10 downloaders )
#394 Woman In The Dunes.rar (1.05 MB,  23 downloaders )
#395 The Face Of Another.rar (1.05 MB,  9 downloaders )
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