232 - A Story Of Floating Weeds / Floating Weeds dvd label

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Unread 08-02-2012, 12:26
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232 - A Story Of Floating Weeds / Floating Weeds dvd label

A Story Of Floating Weeds / Floating Weeds: In 1959, Yasujiro Ozu remade his 1934 silent classic A Story of Floating Weeds in color with the celebrated cinematographer Kazuo Miyagawa (Rashomon, Ugetsu). Setting his later version in a seaside location, Ozu otherwise preserves the details of his elegantly simple plot wherein an aging actor returns to a small town with his troupe and reunities with his former lover and illegitimate son, a scenario that enrages his current mistress and results in heartbreak for all. Together, the films offer a unique glimpse into the evolution of one of cinema’s greatest directors. A Story of Floating Weeds reveals Ozu in the midst of developing his mode of expression; Floating Weeds reveals his distinct style at its pinnacle. In each, the director captures the joy and sadness in everyday life.
232 - A Story Of Floating Weeds / Floating Weeds dvd label
  The "Customaniacs.org" WATERMARK wil only be shown in the low-resolution preview and not in the high-resolution download!
  Download the high-resolution files here:
A Story Of Floating Weeds - Floating Weeds Criterion Collection.rar (5.63 MB,  8 downloaders )
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I'm unable to do any requests due to limited time at the moment. I will however try to post new covers when i can and update collections where possible as well.

All my work is exclusive to customaniacs please do not post elsewhere

Last edited by motsy; 08-02-2012 at 12:39.

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