All Studios dvd label

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Unread 06-04-2007, 21:30
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All Studios dvd label

Contains Columbia-Tristar, Dimension, Disney, DreamWorks, Fox, Lionsgate, Miramax, MGM, New Line, Paramount, Sony, Touchstone, Universal, Warner Bros, (organised into groups) in .PSD, comments always appreciated - enjoy

NOTICE: To any member that downloaded this before 11th Dec 2007, please edit the Sony circular text so that the year is 2007 and not 20007.

PLEASE READ: The original file that was here has been corrupted in some way, I guess when it was edited as above (not by me lol), I think it had rasterized all layers, not sure, anyway I've uploaded the original again, with the year change, this has been checked by myself and works fine in CS2 and CS3 with all text layers editable - hope this helps and apologies to anybody who downloaded the corrupted file
All Studios dvd label
  The "" WATERMARK wil only be shown in the low-resolution preview and not in the high-resolution download!
  Download the high-resolution files here:
FIXED All Studios Label Template.rar (752.8 KB,  1423 downloaders )

Last edited by ripper; 27-02-2009 at 15:14.
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Unread 14-07-2007, 20:12

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thanks for this. Makes my crappy labels look good
Unread 14-07-2007, 20:20
Kaleigha's Avatar

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This is a huge help-thanks so much.
Unread 19-07-2007, 11:21

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Cheers ripper
This will come in handy;)
Unread 19-07-2007, 20:43

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Thanks gonna try it out.
Unread 21-07-2007, 07:39
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my hero :D
Unread 21-07-2007, 08:32
ripper's Avatar
Shambolic Member

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Thanks for the replies guys, glad it's been of use :)
Diagonally Parked In A Parallel Universe
Unread 07-08-2007, 17:04

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Many thanks ripper mate
Unread 07-08-2007, 22:46
Lucan63's Avatar

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Thanks for this! Gave me inspiration to try making some of my own!
Unread 12-08-2007, 07:58

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Thanks a lot buddy.

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