DVD and Blu-ray Cover Templates dvd label

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Unread 25-04-2008, 17:22
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DVD, Blu-ray & Console Cover Templates dvd label

As of April 2015 - This set of DVD Cover templates for Customaniacs accepted sizes is still valid.

Simple to use - Fade the layer to a percentage (pre-faded to about 65%), add as many layers as you want to work on (keeping the faded template layer on top). The both sides are coloured (I have added on some of them entering guide-lines to all the templates to help centre and align everything) and the spine is transparent so that you can see what you are doing with regard to alignment of that etc.

In three versions, as was my old set.

PSP (Paint Shop Pro)
PSD (photoshop)
PNG for those who use neither PSP or Photoshop.

All are at 300dpi (though the PNG states 118 which is pixels per centimetre (the same as 300dpi) but after making the cover you might want to convert it to save as 300dpi. In older versions of PSP you can do this by choosing the resize option. Within the pop-up dialogue - select the 'Actual Size' option - and replace the 118.000 with 300 making sure the drop-down box adjacent is set to cm/pix. After exiting this save it and it will be 300dpi.

Here is the supported list:


Note that several suppliers now provide a single Amaray case size with 2, 4 and even 6 disc trays.

Standard Amaray: 3240 (1535+170+1535) x 2175
ThinPak Single: 3150 (1535+80 +1535) x 2175
Slim 5/6/8: 3370 (1535+300+1535) x 2175
Slim 8 (older style): 3395 (1535+325+1535) x 2175
Slim 10: 3460 (1535+390+1535) x 2175
Slim 12: 3520 (1535+450+1535) x 2175


Blu-ray cases tend to come in several different sizes. Most important is the spine width measurement, which is typically either 11mm (approx size in USA and some Europe) or 14mm (Europe). Larger disc sets may also come in a 25mm spine format. We will allow some variation from the suggested cover sizes below but at a minimum the spine must be accurate in each case.

3118 (1523+72+1523) x 1762 (6mm spine)
3173 (1523+127+1523) x 1762 (10.75mm spine)
3120 (1490+140+1490) x 1748 (11.8mm spine)
3172 (1516+140+1516) x 1762 (11.8mm spine)
3172 (1501+170+1501) x 1762 (14mm spine)
3212 (1521+170+1521) x 1762 (14mm spine)
3224 (1523+178+1523) x 1762 (15mm spine - VIVA ELITE 5 DISC CASE)
3306 (1523+260+1523) x 1762 (22mm spine)
3317 (1511+295+1511) x 1762 (25mm spine)


Playstation 3: 3224 (1530+164+1530) x 1760
PSP: 2469 (1146+177+1146) x 1984
Nintendo Wii: 3225 (1530+165+1530) x 2156 or standard DVD


One accepted size only : 1500 x 1500

DVD, Blu-ray & Console Cover Templates dvd label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Customaniacs Cover Templates (PSD).rar (591.6 KB,  downloaders )
Customaniacs Cover Templates (PNG).rar (325.9 KB,  downloaders )
Customaniacs Cover Templates (PSP).rar (662.2 KB,  downloaders )
“For me, it is far better to grasp the world as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying or reassuring.”

Last edited by Fejinwales; 18-04-2015 at 11:26. Reason: updated the template list to current Nov 2013 accepted sizes

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