UFC 152 Jones vs Belfort dvd cover

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Unread 23-09-2012, 20:22
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UFC 152 Jones vs Belfort dvd cover

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UFC 152 Jones vs Belfort dvd cover

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UFC 152 Jones vs Belfort.rar (2.52 MB,  downloaders )
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Unread 24-09-2012, 18:11

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Thank you very much!!
Unread 24-09-2012, 18:25
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your very welcome
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I lost all my templates october 2012
Unread 01-10-2012, 03:08

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Last edited by bawllin29; 13-11-2012 at 08:08.
Unread 01-10-2012, 09:21
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You might not see any UFC related art from me again, the hard drive with all UFC, covers, labels, templates & pictures died on me yesterday as I was finishing off Fuel 5.
Got some tips to take out the HD, will have to see how things turn out. Seems this is boring to ChoudderBoy, I guess if it isn't kings of leon, killers, kasabian or pearl jam we all need to get a life. Funny that he comes on here and thinks we make covers for his benifit and if some thing goes wrong, why should it bother him.
Copied from shoutbox:-
[20:57] ChoudderBoy: do me a favor
[20:57] RobertM: Of course, you have to like solving problems,.. and helping others.
[20:56] ChoudderBoy: get a life m8
[20:56] RobertM: Rescuing an HDD can be quite a thrilling experience.
[20:54] RobertM: Actually, losing an HDD is anything but boring.
[20:52] ChoudderBoy: boring or what
[20:49] Dack: k, laters
[20:48] RobertM: Anyway, try swapping the enclosure first, then come back if that doesn't fix the problem.
[20:48] RobertM: The HDD control board is attached to the HDD, but it is not a hard job to remove/replace if you can find an identical match (same manufacturer and model number).
[20:47] Dack: ahh I see said the blind man, thanks again
[20:47] Morpheo : yes that would mean your HD is still fine
[20:46] RobertM: The external conroller is in the external drive case, so not part of the actual HDD itself.
[20:45] Dack: whats a external controller
[20:44] Morpheo : I've had that problem a couple of times and it was always the external controller... fingers crossed Dack! :)
Remember that external drives are just a regular HD in a cheap enclosure. The enclosures can be had for little money, and it is easy to swap one HD in an enclosure for another.
[20;41] Dack: will have to try the swap tomorrow, see if i can sort another hdd
[20:38] Dack: I like the sound of cheap, and I really like the sound of EASY
[20:38] RobertM: My first suggestion would be to confirm if the external drive bay works. Try putting a know good HD into the enclosure and see if it reads.
[20:37] RobertM: So it could be the platters (bad news), the HDD controller (maybe fixable) or the external drive controller (cheap and eaxy fix).
[20:36] Dack: yes
[20:36] RobertM: Is this an external HDD?
[20:35] Dack: I would have no clue, how would I find out, tried in another laptop and it woudn't recognized it
[20:34] RobertM: Are you sure it's the HD, and not some other part of the data chain?
[20:33] Dack: thanks for the reply, I was trying to finish a cover but photoshop kept freezing. thats when I found out it was the HD
[20:33] RobertM: If the board seems OK or you cannot find an identical match then your only option is probably to send it away for extraction.
[20:32] RobertM: If the board is bad then you can try to find an IDENTICAL drive and swap the boards. I have done this before successfully.
[20:31] RobertM: It could be that it is only the control board that is fried. Remove the board from the drive (usually just a few screws) and see if you can see any burnt traces or components.
[20:29] RobertM: Depends on how "broken" it is. There are services that will attempt to extract as much as possible, but they are not cheap -- imagine >$100 for starters.
[20:00] Dack: anyone know if there is anyway of getting stuff off of a HD that has broke, if not no more UFC covers as I will of lost all
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I lost all my templates october 2012

Last edited by Dack; 01-10-2012 at 17:35.
Unread 01-10-2012, 10:14

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Last edited by bawllin29; 13-11-2012 at 08:08.
Unread 01-10-2012, 12:16
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my laptop is ok, photoshop is on my internal hd, just my link to my style of HD OR like this one Hitachi 1TB USB 2.0 External Desktop Hard Drive is knackered. gunna try and take it apart and see if the drive its self is knackered or just the encloser part. every thing UFC, covers, labels, templates & pictures
If your after next season's covers read here

I lost all my templates october 2012
Unread 01-10-2012, 19:49

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Last edited by bawllin29; 13-11-2012 at 08:08.
Unread 01-10-2012, 20:00
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I'm on my laptop (not pc) as I type, nothing wrong with it, tried external HD in another laptop, and it doesn't recognise it, until I pull out the usb and for a split second the drive appears in My Computer's [Hard Disc Drives]. Got to wait until I can get a dock station too try it in.
If your after next season's covers read here

I lost all my templates october 2012
Unread 01-10-2012, 22:20

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Last edited by bawllin29; 13-11-2012 at 08:08.

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