DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
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foreveryone 05-02-2010 12:58

37 Attachment(s)
Completely new, clean version of covers for smallville series, I hope that you will like it :)

Two versions avaible now.
- Standard 180spine amaray covers
- Slim6 310spine covers

Matching labels avaible >>>here<<<

shepard137 07-05-2010 00:06

how are season and ten covers coming along?

rockstr 16-05-2010 23:11

WOW! Nice!
Can we expect season 9 and 10 covers any time soon?

foreveryone 17-05-2010 14:27

Season 9 is now complete, it will be avaible in next days. Season 10 is allready in plan for this set ;)

clsprates 29-05-2010 05:51


zeno1961 06-06-2010 17:48

Can you make them bigger for 4/6 disc cases? Would be great as very hard to enlarge standard size for printing.

foreveryone 06-06-2010 17:57

yes I can, but no with this spin-image, I can try but I will need a two times wider image, it's almost impossible to do it with the same image as it now have.

zeno1961 06-06-2010 20:36

No prob, have managed to crop the spine and enlarge without ruining the front and back images. Number 10 will make the set look fab.

totocamen88 05-07-2010 18:47

Can you do this cover in Italian?

I can give you the episode's title...

foreveryone 05-07-2010 21:24

no problem, send me names of all episodes and please translate the small sentences on the back (top) and also a "Complete season one, two ... etc oh and "episode list" too ... :)

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