DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
-   TV-Show Custom Covers (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tv-show-custom-covers/)
-   -   Supernatural Seasons 1, 2, 3 (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tv-show-custom-covers/62344-supernatural-seasons-1-2-3-a.html)

liquidskin76 22-04-2009 03:01

Supernatural Seasons 1, 2, 3
30 Attachment(s)
Supernatural (Seasons 1, 2, 3), custom build inspired by the original retail style.

The covers are region 2, single Amaray. If requested i can convert and upload as Slim
5-6 as well.

Matching label sets can be found here... (Season 1) (Season 2) (Season 3)

Attachment 149772

Season 1

Attachment 149773

Season 2

Attachment 149774

Season 3

Attachment 149775

Saggy 09-06-2009 15:25

Love the covers have you any plans to do a season 4?

bagheera18 09-06-2009 16:15

Oh yeah, I love these! If you could convert them to a 20mm spine version that would be very much appreciated!!

sgraoui 28-09-2009 13:05

good work

2394andy 23-10-2009 13:40

these are excellent , but would appreciate a slim 6 version

2394andy 14-12-2009 22:43

is there any sign of the slim 6 versions with labels and pos. series 4 too , cause these are excellent work

TopZaa 25-01-2010 17:05

Thank You So Much

TopZaa 25-01-2010 17:06

Thank You So Much -- ขอบคุณครับ

herc1968 15-11-2010 05:47

I have used your art works for seasons 1 through 3. Are you planning on making season 4 and 5?

klipios 22-03-2011 22:18

very thx

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