DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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onceageordie 25-08-2010 14:28

Hi Chunk,

When can we expect to see Season 3?? Episode list now on wikipedia -


cami134 16-09-2010 17:24

Season 3 Please

cami134 19-09-2010 12:44

season 3 please

Mishy 09-11-2010 14:06

Requesting season 3, as a few are i see!

hoag 01-12-2010 23:47

Is it possible you make one of your great covers for season 3 ??

nwg 05-12-2010 01:06

Thanks for these.

hoag 01-01-2011 21:53

Is there any change of a season 3 cover ??

Mishy 18-01-2011 01:57

Season finished ages ago .,.... like all appreciate yourt work, but if you cant be stuffed with doing this then maybe let the other guy whos more or less taken over from you do these titles?

chunk71 18-01-2011 02:27


Originally Posted by Mishy (Post 367293)
Season finished ages ago .,.... like all appreciate yourt work, but if you cant be stuffed with doing this then maybe let the other guy whos more or less taken over from you do these titles?

No one has taken over from me!

I will get this done in my own time thank you - I'm not employed by you to get things done on time. I have 85 on going shows to make covers for so comments like this really do piss me off. If you look at these posts you'll see why I've not done it yet!



More comments like this and then maybe I will give up making these covers.

Mishy 18-01-2011 08:21

I think it just means people appreciate your work, and look forward to it

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