DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
-   TV-Show Custom Covers (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tv-show-custom-covers/)
-   -   Red Dwarf Complete Collection (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tv-show-custom-covers/189357-red-dwarf-complete-collection.html)

fsurfer 13-03-2013 09:38

Red Dwarf Complete Collection
78 Attachment(s)
Created a spacesaver spanning set, with 2 series per cover/case,
there's going to be a 11th series as Red Dwarf X was a success,
also included in this set the Red Dwarf DVD Just The Smegs.

So if and when the schedule is released for the 11th series,
I can include on the sixth cover.

Disc Labels
Vol 1 here
Vol 2 here
Vol 3 here
Vol 4 here or here
Vol 5 here
Vol 6 here

Attachment 741637
Attachment 741638
Attachment 741639
Attachment 741640
Attachment 741641
Attachment 741642
Attachment 741751

Update:- will be adding 2 additional covers when series 12 starts and art is available ( a filler and one for series 11 & 12) these will be packed in 1 rar

Attachment 930099
Attachment 930100

dankusa 17-03-2013 10:30

Great work, man!

R0BB0 05-05-2013 17:01

Very nice spanning spine set .. thanks for these :)

rick555 02-06-2014 22:25

great cover , great program

ViPaSoft 31-03-2017 12:13

Hope you'll be updating this great set when the 12th season is out this year...

fsurfer 31-03-2017 12:36

4 Attachment(s)
Trouble when you create a spanning set, as I didn't think RD would continue after 10.

There is a workaround.

Decided to create a filler cover to front and one to the end for season 11 & 12, including both covers in same rar with the next upload.

In this way the existing cover-span is not affected.

Attachment 930098
Attachment 930114

mojo03 24-11-2019 02:09

Husband has been looking for these for a long time!

Stephen5242 24-07-2021 04:17


Stephen5242 24-07-2021 04:18


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