DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
-   TV-Show Custom Blu-Ray & 4K Labels (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tv-show-custom-blu-ray-4k-labels/)
-   -   Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1 (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tv-show-custom-blu-ray-4k-labels/252131-star-trek-discovery-season-1-a.html)

RobertM 19-04-2018 15:11

Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
4 Attachment(s)
The "multilabel" set includes the leftmost 3 labels shown in the preview, each with 5 episodes per disc.

The "4 Disc set" includes all 4 labels, but without episode numbers and without the runtime in the legal text. Similar to the rightmost label.

The "4 disc with episodes" set includes all 4 labels with episodes shown as 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 and 13-15. Also without runtime in the legal text.

yindar 08-10-2018 18:28

Thanx for the Labels Robert

joselogx 22-11-2018 17:36


Originally Posted by RobertM (Post 756061)
Custom BD label sets. The first rar file contains the first 3 labels shown in the preview, each with 5 episodes. The second rar file is a 4-disc set, without episode numbers and without the runtime in the legal text.

in the original package the discs 1 to 3 contain 4 episodes each and the disc 4 contains 3.-


fsurfer 22-11-2018 19:40


Originally Posted by joselogx (Post 763572)
in the original package the discs 1 to 3 contain 4 episodes each and the disc 4 contains 3.-


So you use the 2nd set and add your own episode numbers

joselogx 22-11-2018 19:56


Originally Posted by fsurfer (Post 763573)
So you use the 2nd set and add your own episode numbers

Yeah! regards

fsurfer 22-11-2018 20:51

If you need a hand, I can add and send you a free link

joselogx 22-11-2018 22:14


Originally Posted by fsurfer (Post 763577)
If you need a hand, I can add and send you a free link

Yes please, THX for all

fsurfer 22-11-2018 23:07


Originally Posted by joselogx (Post 763579)
Yes please, THX for all

I'll pm RobertM as these are his labels and others may want similar

RobertM 23-11-2018 05:11

I've added an additional set.

FrisianKing 17-02-2019 12:02

This is truely a set of great labels.
THNX I can complete.

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