DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
-   TV-Show Custom Blu-Ray & 4K Labels (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tv-show-custom-blu-ray-4k-labels/)
-   -   Frozen Planet BBC (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tv-show-custom-blu-ray-4k-labels/154926-frozen-planet-bbc.html)

Fejinwales 22-12-2011 02:14

Frozen Planet BBC
4 Attachment(s)
Modified my DVD discs to go with the BD cover I made.

It has been brought to my attention by spamlover that these labels are different in the U.S. therefore in addition to the three labels I created here for the U.K set I have added a rar file containing the Standard disc 1 label (which is the same) and U.S labels 2 and 3 (with the U.S Listings).

The U.S Versions are as follows:-

1. Label one is the same

2. Label 2 has: "Autumn", "Winter", and "The Last Frontier"

3. Label 3 has: "On Thin Ice" and "Special Features"

MMII 26-12-2011 14:23


Robert03 09-01-2012 15:56


mzbsin 12-01-2012 10:21


Robert03 17-03-2012 13:05


speedal 14-07-2012 12:09

thanks man. just what i was looking for.:thu

FullHD 18-11-2012 20:08

Very beautifull, Thank You

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