DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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-   -   Colour Correction using Photoshop Curves (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tutorials/43081-colour-correction-using-photoshop-curves.html)

Kampar 14-07-2008 12:44

Colour Correction using Photoshop Curves
2 Attachment(s)
Another simple, short tutorial that will hopefully help someone out.

Useful for correcting the black/white points on a scan as well as correcting the colour balance in a few simple steps.

DarkSekhem 14-07-2008 15:49

Thanks Kampar. I like these tuts of yours.

oberlisc 14-07-2008 18:49

Cheers mate i look forward to reading this.:thu

Lucan63 15-07-2008 04:54

Your tuts are a big help, thanks!

ripley 15-07-2008 09:25

well, another tutorial.
Well done, this will come in handy, and i'll try it this week, at home ....
Thx a lot kampar, great idea !

psycodelic 22-08-2008 18:38

Great Stuff.. thanks! :thu

R0BB0 27-09-2008 21:07

I'll have a look at this one .. cheers :)

mastermind 28-09-2008 14:50

I think I'll take a look at this - you never know, I might learn something...

bodget 17-10-2008 01:10

Many thanks for the gr8 tut

angelusss 06-12-2008 20:57

thanks for tutorial

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