DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
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tito22222 15-12-2008 22:54


wrist 31-12-2008 18:21

Much Appreciated Kampar

ripley 18-01-2009 17:29

well, very very usefull here.
Thanx a lot.
Good day !

leovan 27-02-2009 03:06

You are the tutorial king.

bluenose1107 29-03-2009 14:45

thanks will give this a go

buckeejit 31-03-2009 17:21

thanks for this :)

Jeff R 1 13-07-2009 03:51

Short and simple. I am looking forward to trying this on my next scan


peopleeater 10-08-2009 20:40

many thamks...these tuts will be a great help :thu

kipy1010 14-09-2010 02:17

Thanks so much! Very useful!

Alyxandria 17-10-2010 15:58

Thanks. I'm sure it will be very useful for me :)

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