DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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-   -   Removing Scan Noise from Credits, Legal Text etc. (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tutorials/43028-removing-scan-noise-credits-legal-text-etc.html)

Kampar 13-07-2008 22:41

Removing Scan Noise from Credits, Legal Text etc.
3 Attachment(s)
Thought it might be useful to have a tutorial on some tips for removing noise from a scan - particularly in those hard to get at areas such as the credits and legal text so here it is. Download the .rar and extract the tutorial in PDF format. Feedback welcomed ...


psycodelic 13-07-2008 23:05

Thankyou.. i will take a look :thu

jkasanic 14-07-2008 00:35

Thanks for the tut Kampar. I've also found the image/adjustments/selective color tool to be helpful in these types of situations. For example, select the credits section and modify the black color to add more black and then the white to add less black. As you pointed out in your tut, one has to be careful not to go too far and create too much contrast between the background and the text (i.e. perfect black and perfect white). I'll have to try playing around with the burn tool though...thanks again!

DarkSekhem 14-07-2008 12:15

Thanks Kampar. Have to try it out.

mastermind 28-09-2008 14:52

I'll take a look at these. Thanks!

riddick1 19-12-2008 20:15

Cheers mate this will be handy

bodget 04-01-2009 16:06

Many thanks for the great tutorial

R0BB0 10-01-2009 23:33

Always like to try and learn new ways of doing things, so will take a look .. cheers Kampar :)

Steve.Stanley1 10-02-2009 17:29

Amazing stuff, where on earth you find out these tricks is beyond me.
Thanks Kampar.

Bobmack 09-04-2009 17:10

Good Tut. I will try this out

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