DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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-   -   Creating a label preview (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/tutorials/210781-creating-a-label-preview.html)

RobertM 30-05-2014 19:04

Creating a label preview
2 Attachment(s)
If you use PhotoShop, you can easily create a label preview with an automated action script, found here on-site.

If you don't use PS, or you just like to do things manually, this template will allow you to easily create a properly sized hi-res image, plus a matching preview image with a 3D center hole and edge treatment. The tutorial itself is printed right on the background of the template, so it's hard to forget ;)

The rar file includes the template with tutorial in PSD format.

bwoods81 03-06-2014 10:24

thanks im using it now

pinkfloyder 31-10-2014 06:26

Great, thanks for this!!

victorpro17 28-11-2014 21:42


Xoly 05-04-2016 02:39

Thanks a lot

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