DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
-   Title Treatment (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/title-treatment/)
-   -   The Crow (High Quality) (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/title-treatment/256676-crow-high-quality.html)

moviefan2k4 16-02-2019 23:40

The Crow (High Quality)
5 Attachment(s)
EDIT 2/19/19 - Added second version with Brandon Lee's name.

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After noticing that the often-used versions of this logo did not resemble the one used for movie merchandise and such, I took it upon myself to trace the latter from the official movie book, and make a new one using Photoshop paths. The first thing you'll probably notice with this one, is that it has a lot more cuts and precise curves; I added the red gradient myself just for kicks. As usual with many of my logos, its eight feet wide in PNG format, with no background. Anyway, I hope you all like this one; I can't even begin to describe how much work it took.:thu

fsurfer 16-02-2019 23:51

Lovely work

moviefan2k4 17-02-2019 02:24


Originally Posted by fsurfer (Post 767078)
Lovely work

Thanks; I had the Photoshop file on my computer, partially finished, for probably a year...and just kept procrastinating because completing it meant tons of hours staring at nothing but zoomed-in pixels with complicated paths. But finally, I gritted my teeth and did it; glory to God for the skill and patience. :thu

fsurfer 17-02-2019 13:04

I have a folder with quite a few covers and labels, waiting for my health to improve.

moviefan2k4 25-05-2023 03:37

2 Attachment(s)
I added a new version of this logo, with a more accurate font for Brandon Lee's name, plus the film's official tagline. Enjoy! :thu

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