DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
-   Title Treatment (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/title-treatment/)
-   -   The Incredible Hulk (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/title-treatment/231002-incredible-hulk.html)

aLTRe eGo 13-10-2015 21:20

The Incredible Hulk
3 Attachment(s)
PSD file CS5 and EPS file
PSD file has Vector Smart object.
Title Treatment (EPS) = Vector
All sizing possible.

Part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One and Phase Two and Phase Three beginning...

Phase One:
1 Iron Man - The Armored Avenger
2 The Incredible Hulk
3 Iron Man 2
4 Thor - The Mighty Avenger
5 Captain America - The First Avenger
6 Marvels The Avengers
Phase Two:
7 Iron Man 3
8 Thor - The Dark World
9 Captain America - The Winter Soldier
10 Guardians of the Galaxy
11 Avengers - Age Of Ultron
12 Ant-Man
Phase Three:
13 Captain America - Civil War
14 Doctor Strange

haessig 07-01-2016 13:35


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