DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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00Daddio 09-07-2007 21:00

Spider-man Logo Set
3 Attachment(s)
I couldn't find a set for all three movies that matched so I made this set. I hope it is usefull to someone else. Added a second file that includes 1-6 for moviefan2k4

moviefan2k4 15-07-2007 02:41

I downloaded this a few days ago; it kicks butt big-time. Thanks! =)

00Daddio 15-07-2007 14:03

Thanks moviefan2k4, I am glad it was of use to you.

moviefan2k4 16-07-2007 08:40

Any chance you could go ahead and do matching numbers for another potential trilogy, since Sony ultimately wants to do 6 of them?

00Daddio 16-07-2007 16:20

I believe I could give me a day or two

00Daddio 21-07-2007 00:15

there you go moviefan2k4

crazy1 23-05-2008 00:57

thanks for these much appreciae

bullitt1977 08-08-2009 05:36

Thanks mate, these are awesome!

goldenwolf 20-11-2009 23:21

great work,many thanks.

ripley 02-02-2011 17:10

Thanx for this. :thu

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