DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
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-   -   The Duchess (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/scanned-covers/50889-duchess.html)

incredible 27-11-2008 23:04

The Duchess
4 Attachment(s)
Retail rebuild for The Duchess

kandlelight 29-11-2008 14:19

Beautiful cover...thanks so much.

icey 29-11-2008 14:24

Excellent cover - many thanks

razmikt 29-11-2008 23:20

Thanks for sharing this cover my friend .continue the good job :thu

zanadu 30-11-2008 00:52

very nice , i thank you for sharing

easylife 30-11-2008 16:05

cheers m8....

Tomay01 30-11-2008 20:08

Cheers for the early scan. It looks great!

ChoudderBoy 30-11-2008 20:15

stunning cover great work and thanks

itisjust4fun 30-11-2008 20:36

Really nice work.........Thank you

thebigcheeser 30-11-2008 22:33

Thanx For Sharing

ZerO_76 02-12-2008 01:41

Thnx for sharing !

caliberman 02-12-2008 17:28

thanks for your time and effort

df2k2 02-12-2008 21:45

I like the cover, but I think that this is a custom, not a scanned cover.
Anyhow, thanks for sharing.

Marcus63 06-12-2008 13:41

Thanks for sharing :)

slug 11-12-2008 08:30

thanks for sharing incredible!

fatboy slim 11-12-2008 08:54

nice one m8 :thu

micklad 11-12-2008 13:07

Very, very nice work. Thanks :)

hybrid-god 11-12-2008 16:45

Very very good! Thank you!

D8TA 11-12-2008 18:20

Wow - the best I've seen for this - Cheers!

wrist 12-12-2008 08:16

Thanx incredible x

thebigcheeser 12-12-2008 15:33

nice 1 thanx for sharing

husky2k2 13-12-2008 11:14

muchas gracias!

johnq 14-12-2008 17:46

Nice one,many thanks.

sgraoui 15-12-2008 20:11

thx alot for the nice photo

niamorph 16-12-2008 00:53

Many Thanks.

smk8ball 16-12-2008 22:46


Originally Posted by incredible (Post 153781)
Retail rebuild for The Duchess

Nice! Cheers.

Chushajo 19-12-2008 00:52

Veeeery nice. Thanks

Sprogg 19-12-2008 03:31

Fantastic cover thanx

dada95 29-12-2008 17:01

superbe cover thx!!!

juleskaos 30-12-2008 20:11

great cover thanks :-)

molly2007 05-03-2009 17:26

nice cover thank you

nastfl 30-04-2009 13:49

really thanks, dude

nestormorera 19-05-2010 19:05

Muchas Gracias

tor27 19-01-2012 18:47


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