DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
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incredible 27-11-2008 23:04

The Duchess
4 Attachment(s)
Retail rebuild for The Duchess

kandlelight 29-11-2008 14:19

Beautiful cover...thanks so much.

icey 29-11-2008 14:24

Excellent cover - many thanks

razmikt 29-11-2008 23:20

Thanks for sharing this cover my friend .continue the good job :thu

zanadu 30-11-2008 00:52

very nice , i thank you for sharing

easylife 30-11-2008 16:05

cheers m8....

Tomay01 30-11-2008 20:08

Cheers for the early scan. It looks great!

ChoudderBoy 30-11-2008 20:15

stunning cover great work and thanks

itisjust4fun 30-11-2008 20:36

Really nice work.........Thank you

thebigcheeser 30-11-2008 22:33

Thanx For Sharing

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