DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
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-   -   The Take (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/scanned-covers/40296-take.html)

Blanco23 17-05-2008 21:55

The Take
2 Attachment(s)
r1 scan.....

Hutchie 17-05-2008 22:04

Many thanks!!

bazcallo 18-05-2008 20:59

very nice cheers bud

kandlelight 19-05-2008 00:57

Beautiful scan...very much appreciated.

hybrid-god 19-05-2008 17:49

Thanks alot for this! CHEERS! :bllll:

ZerO_76 19-05-2008 23:56

nice one thank you

Mishy 28-05-2008 07:30

Thanks for the scan dude

movieworks 31-05-2008 17:59

Very nice cover. Thank You

niamorph 07-08-2008 00:59

Many Thanks.

smk8ball 22-08-2008 20:08

Nice! Cheers.

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