DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
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MrHenryDog 26-04-2007 22:22

200+ paintshop logos
3 Attachment(s)
over 200 various logos

These are for PaintShop Pro 7 and above YOU MUST DOWNLOAD BOTH PARTS TO UNPAK THE RARS

DO NOT use the disc legals in this pak - i forgot to remove them (they have my name on and 2007)

The Twister 07-07-2007 02:27

Thanx m8. Just what i needed :)

pcaddictt 07-07-2007 09:42

you are a star - just what i needed - thankyou

Throddy 07-07-2007 12:03

Great stuff lots in here that I didnt have and needed. Thanks very much!

thomas 07-07-2007 12:25

Thanks Been looking for something like this for PSP

R0BB0 20-07-2007 23:23

Many thanks for sharing these with us MrHenryDog :)

UniZero 21-07-2007 01:16

Does anybody happen to have these in ps format?



mark 21-07-2007 12:50

thanks for these,much appreciated.its also nice to see the word COLOUR spelled correctly too

MrHenryDog 24-07-2007 01:15


Originally Posted by UniZero (Post 25984)
Does anybody happen to have these in ps format?



yes i have them in their original ps format as well ( i converted them to psp) theres not so many i dont think because i have added to the psp file over time. I had avoided uploading them because of the abundance of ps stuff already.
but seeing as you have asked i will upload them shortly

UniZero 24-07-2007 13:14


Originally Posted by MrHenryDog (Post 26839)
yes i have them in their original ps format as well ( i converted them to psp) theres not so many i dont think because i have added to the psp file over time. I had avoided uploading them because of the abundance of ps stuff already.
but seeing as you have asked i will upload them shortly

thanks m8. most appreciated. will download when I get home. :thu

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