DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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-   -   Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/custom-labels/28390-buck-rogers-25th-century.html)

HelloShaun 28-10-2007 02:24

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
6 Attachment(s)
Started out as a simple plain generic label to fill a request, 42 layers and hours of finding half decent images and cutting out later...

MrHenryDog 28-10-2007 03:00

turned out nice Shaun.

Kaleigha 28-10-2007 04:36

Nice job on these, Shaun. Sounds like you had fun, too.

HelloShaun 28-10-2007 08:32

thanks guys, fun yeah but at least I got myself a sound clip of twiki doing the biddi biddi biddi bit, might turn it into my ringtone when I get bored of "Spartans, prepare for Glory!"

And who forget to put the clocks back an hour last night :(

Bobble 28-10-2007 10:53

Thanks HS,they look superb I appreciate your hard work on them,



thinman219 03-11-2007 14:34

Great work Shaun, thank you.

HelloShaun 03-11-2007 15:04

Thank you Bob and thinman219

chazman 20-11-2007 23:38

Just what I was looking for! Thanks!!!

starblazer 23-11-2007 18:34

Great job on these Shaun Thanks

kelder13 23-11-2007 23:32

thanks for the labels

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