DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
-   Custom Covers (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/custom-covers/)
-   -   Cocktail (1988) (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/custom-covers/83377-cocktail-1988-a.html)

Gabo 14-01-2010 05:19

Cocktail (1988)
2 Attachment(s)
Cocktail (1988) cover...Hope you like it :thu:thu
(Comments are always welcome)

P.S. To download this file you have to reply or press the Thanks Button!!!!

Trixerbell 14-01-2010 12:01

i know how hard it is to do this film as the art is pretty poor and old , think you've done a fab job here well done !

Gabo 14-01-2010 22:50

thanks trix, I did this cover under two hours!!!!

cortino73 04-09-2012 20:32

dank je wel

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