DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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incredible 27-03-2009 21:41

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
2 Attachment(s)
An very early custom for "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs". (Matching label here)

flyers2thecup 27-03-2009 21:54

one of my favorite books as a kid...the other being Where The Wild Things Are. Very cool that both are getting the big screen treatment!!

great looking cover incredible!

incredible 27-03-2009 22:01

Thanks flyers!


sgraoui 31-08-2009 13:21

thanks alot

vegen2007 14-09-2009 22:00


hectorpacheco 14-09-2009 22:30

:husimplemente maravilloso tu trbajo de lujo un diez

mainsource 17-10-2009 05:32

cool cover. like the food falling..nice. thanks

SonicMonkey 06-12-2009 21:24

Thanks for the great cover.

MRzone 04-01-2010 00:17

nice, thx for the cover

5starjunkee 09-01-2010 03:24

Aesome Cover

maxxrender 22-04-2010 15:52


huangguang 01-03-2013 20:07


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