DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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Gabo 26-11-2008 11:58

Quantum of Solace
4 Attachment(s)
007-Quantum of Solace cover...Hope you like it :thu:thu
(Comments are always welcome)

P.S. To download this file you have to reply or press the Thanks Button!!!!

CyberClown 26-11-2008 13:04

Noce job Gabo mate

sgraoui 26-11-2008 14:15

thx alot for the photo

anarchy 26-11-2008 14:36

Great cover Gabo

ChoudderBoy 26-11-2008 17:20

super cover well done

scaldy 26-11-2008 20:08

super cover the best out there by a long shot

chillseeker 28-11-2008 16:52

nice 1, but should it not be "IS BACK" and not "ITS BACK"?

mavcib 29-11-2008 11:34

Nice work Gabo. Thanks

shiny69 30-11-2008 23:10

Thought the 'typo' may have been amended, cracking cover but alas......

D8TA 01-12-2008 18:46

Fantastic cover - !!

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