DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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Kaleigha 10-06-2008 03:20

The Wizard Of Oz
3 Attachment(s)
Standard 3240 x 2175 for "The Wizard Of Oz".

Thinpack cover available HERE
Matching label available HERE

MrHenryDog 10-06-2008 10:05

i voted for this one Kal, love the toning. great cover

Kaleigha 17-06-2008 03:28

Thanks very mmuch MHD. Very kind of you.

snappy 04-07-2008 05:13

Thanks for the thinpak, Kaleigha

TheGoodGuy 04-07-2008 05:46

fantastic job dude/dudette?

Kaleigha 04-07-2008 08:55

Thanks again, fellas. Glad you like it.

Hi Good Guy, dudette works. Thought I was the only one that called people that anymore...:smack

Trixerbell 04-07-2008 14:16

beautiful and very traditional to the film. love the use of grx and the way you made them all blend in and match. great work and proof of why you are a resi here :)

mgm30 31-07-2008 02:42

One word. Brilliant!!!

Kaleigha 02-08-2008 07:22

Thanks Trix and mgm. Very nice of both of you.

Hailstorm 07-09-2008 21:11

Many DoMo's for the thin pak version, it will come in very handy.

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