DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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easylife 08-06-2008 23:30

The Incredible Hulk
2 Attachment(s)
My latest custom, enjoy

TheGoodGuy 08-06-2008 23:44

looks pretty good EL

mrme 08-06-2008 23:45

:thuAnother very nice custom easylife.

ripley 08-06-2008 23:59

well, if i have credits, i'll took it.
Very nice custom.

easylife 09-06-2008 02:17

cheers for the comments

Morpheus 09-06-2008 13:37

vn thx for sharing

rab 09-06-2008 17:54

very, very nice, thanks for sharing.

SALC2008 10-06-2008 14:37

Holy @*** i really like this gotta be cover of the month thanks

kandlelight 13-06-2008 12:19

Beautiful custom cover...very much appreciated.

easylife 13-06-2008 16:08

cheers for the comments people

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