DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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venome 16-02-2008 04:57

Bee Movie
2 Attachment(s)
Bee Movie custom

Lethal3737 21-02-2008 16:58

Great cover m8, ty as always :thu

hybrid-god 22-02-2008 19:02

Simple and brilliant! CHEERS! :bllll:

venome 29-02-2008 03:08

lost count of the layers i used on this one hg.... it was a task just to get the file size down to 5 MB. waited so long for the features and by then there was'nt much interest in yet another Bee Movie cover :D

Storm Raider 29-02-2008 04:19

:thu Cover is awesome Venome

JimmyMac 18-03-2008 19:17

Great cover, thanks very much.

D4nY 29-03-2008 18:10

HI, Very geat cover, What honeycomb pattern use for the BG? :o

venome 13-04-2009 20:29

thanks D4ny. the background honeycomb pattern was my own design - lots of layers built up till it looked right, applied a gradient and grain to the background and flattened all the layers.

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