DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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venome 02-12-2007 05:32

Total Recall
2 Attachment(s)
Total Recall Special Edition.

Donnie 02-12-2007 05:34

Very Nice venome. Another great cover.
Well Done My Friend

tonysafc 02-12-2007 11:12

Wow the layout is pure genius would make the basis of a great arnie set, choice of colours is spot on as well, you have really nailed this one.

LB 02-12-2007 12:40

this turned out awesome V...great job Mrs V ;)

venome 02-12-2007 19:09

thanks guys :D
had to completely redo the frame lulu. and mrs v says "told you that was a good colour" :)

CyberClown 05-12-2007 12:51

Fine work my friend

Lethal3737 05-12-2007 13:12

Great cover V, Ty as always buddy

ripley 12-04-2009 17:42

i like that.
Thanx for your art

ronmob 03-09-2012 05:35

Great Cover, Thank you

jhonito 29-09-2012 03:54


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