DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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999ups 31-07-2007 03:26

The Simpsons Movie
2 Attachment(s)
The Simpsons Movie - R1 - Custom
Found some hires artwork for this movie and just had to make a cover. Hope you like it.
A matching label can be found here

donobieus 31-07-2007 03:32

Nice to see some new art for this. Good work.

johnq 31-07-2007 03:32

Great stuff,I love it.

Lucan63 31-07-2007 03:56

Much better than most I've seen! Good work.

starblazer 31-07-2007 05:51

Very nice cover.

FlyingDutchman 31-07-2007 10:23

nicely done 999ups!

blueranger 31-07-2007 11:59

like the other posts say very good work .
best i've seen so far for the simpsons movie .
congrats mate

Hutchie 31-07-2007 12:24

Very very nice!!

LOKIE 69 31-07-2007 12:57

Yeh Very Nice Cover M8y Well Done

cuchulan 01-08-2007 11:58

Excellent cover Thank you

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