DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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Petrus 26-07-2007 01:56

2 Attachment(s)
This is the "Censored" costum version I've made for the "Cashback".
Matching label can be found here

Boonsaint 26-07-2007 02:11

nice one. cheers. supposed to be good this. cover has certainly made me consider watching it now.

Petrus 26-07-2007 02:46

Thanks Boonsaint. I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did. Among other things it has a superb soundtrack! :thu

korguy 26-07-2007 05:31

awesome! can't wait to see the other one on here as well! keep up the good work!

pepe 26-07-2007 06:11

cheers i like it

mrme 26-07-2007 13:20

Yep i like it to

Stupid Haggis 26-07-2007 13:39

Thanks. love the cover, now all i need is the movie.

Petrus 26-07-2007 14:07

Thank you guys for your comments. I’m glad you like it. :)
As there isn’t yet an OST for this movie, here is the soundtrack list for those interested:

Casta Diva - Vincenzo Bellini
Snack Bar Lounge - Exit 9
Duncan Enchanted - The Olive Grove
Bolero - Maurice Ravel
Baby Scratch My Back - Rick Cardinati
Inside - The Bang Gang
Mysterious Ways - Bryan Adams
Set It Off - Peaches
You Can't Hurry Love - The Concretes
Jerk It - The Gypsies
Last Night A DJ Save My Life - Indeep
You Are Not Through - Evil 9
Girl Is On My Mind - The Black Keys
Funk The Rich
She - Grand Avenue
The Power Of Love - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
What Else Is There ? – Royksopp

CHRISTOPHER 26-07-2007 20:27

much app "petrus" like others hope to see an "UNCENSORED" version thanks for sharing

D8TA 28-07-2007 12:02

Funny how the movie title dosen't sound that interesting - but your cover kinda changed my mind - looks great and much appreciated.

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