DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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garot 24-02-2012 15:06

2 Attachment(s)

Shevka 24-02-2012 15:17

Great Cover ! (cotm for me)

garot 24-02-2012 15:23

Thank you :)

Matush 24-02-2012 15:29

Thanks for a real custom in comp. Voted cotm buddy!

valen_sinclair 24-02-2012 15:38

Outstanding cover my friend - for me the cream of the crop!

motsy 24-02-2012 15:58

Outstanding cover will definitely be voting cotm

garot 24-02-2012 18:44

thanks all, appreciate it.

TomKru R.I.P. 24-02-2012 19:01

Fantastic work m8...

yindar 24-02-2012 22:29

Yes I agree, Fantastic job on this cover and label

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