DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
-   Custom Covers (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/custom-covers/)
-   -   The Signature Series - Bruce Willis (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/custom-covers/144884-signature-series-bruce-willis.html)

DWAbernath 29-10-2011 04:40

Hey guys - I've got Setup done and will up in the morning. It's on my laptop downstairs.

DWAbernath 31-10-2011 14:44

Setup has been added!

Neytiri 11-11-2011 12:54

Thanks mate!

R0BB0 12-01-2012 15:42

Hi DW .. any chance of a Catch 44? :)

DWAbernath 19-01-2012 23:30

I was trying to get a textless key art for catch .44, but can't find one anywhere. Gonna have to go with what I have. Look for it soon.

DWAbernath 20-01-2012 04:41

Catch .44 has been upped

Neytiri 24-01-2012 13:07

Nice you keep it up to date, thanks man!!

NASTY801 20-04-2012 00:58

where is LOOPERS!!!!!1

Neytiri 11-10-2012 11:46

Please update this series with Bruces latest movies:

2013 G.I. Joe: Retaliation

2012 Fire with Fire

2012 Looper

2012 The Expendables 2

2012 Moonrise Kingdom

2012 The Cold Light of Day

2012 Lay the Favorite


DWAbernath 17-10-2012 19:40

Moonrise Kingdom has been added on 10/17/2012

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