DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
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-   -   The Fellowship Of The Ring Special Extended Edition (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/custom-covers/129857-fellowship-ring-special-extended-edition.html)

Fejinwales 27-02-2011 16:17

The Fellowship Of The Ring Special Extended Edition
4 Attachment(s)
I made these as single Amaray cases to hold both discs of the film and the 2 discs for the special features, four discs in total.

I wanted a different character on each one, Boromir (my favourite character has to be on this first cover for his sacrifice in the film and it was such a strong moment in the story).

I put Galadriel on the second and Aragorn on the third. Both other covers are available here:-

The TwoTowers Extended
The Return of the King Extended

and Here you can find the Spacesaver set of extended edition movies only (three choices):-
The Lord of the Rings Extended Collection

I have now made a matching label to go with cover here

I have to give special thanks to the artist who created the images I used on the front of the covers, Aurelia Chaintreuil who gave me kind permission to use and post them.

vamboroolz 15-10-2011 17:55


Belfast 04-11-2012 11:00

Nice One Mate Cheers

boffy 17-09-2021 20:18

Thanks, this has saved me a nice bit of shelf space and looks great.

Fejinwales 17-09-2021 20:22

Thanks and you're welcome.
That was the reason I designed them, well that and the great artwork I came across for the covers. The artist sent me full sized and allowed me to use them as long as I attributed thm on the cover.

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