DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
-   Custom Covers (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/custom-covers/)
-   -   Harry Potter Collection (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/custom-covers/121916-harry-potter-collection.html)

JackDaRippa 06-11-2010 23:05

Harry Potter Collection
2 Attachment(s)
Custom set for the ongoing movie series, which includes all 8 films.

This set was inspired by the 1st 4 blue movie covers utilized on the bluray releases. Each front cover image was scratch created to incorporate poster art in the foreground (each including Harry, Ron & Hermione) and the title (utilizing high-quality title treatment) in the background near the top of the front cover.

I have included alternative versions for several of the films, including options for those who want the different titles for HP1.

hicks46 06-11-2010 23:10

harry potter
nice one looks good but no link to download

JackDaRippa 06-11-2010 23:11

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone / Philospher's Stone
6 Attachment(s)
Part 1 of 8 featuring title treatment in the background on the FC

The Sorcerer's Stone and Philosopher's Stone options available...

JackDaRippa 06-11-2010 23:15

Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets
2 Attachment(s)
Part 2 of 8: Chamber of Secrets

JackDaRippa 06-11-2010 23:23

Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban
4 Attachment(s)
Part 3 of 8: Prisoner of Azkaban

2 versions available: V1 is the green and V2 is the second pictured with the blue sky

JackDaRippa 06-11-2010 23:27

Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire
2 Attachment(s)
Part 4 of 8: Goblet of Fire

JackDaRippa 06-11-2010 23:34

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
4 Attachment(s)
Part 5 of 8: Order Of The Phoenix

2 Versions available: V1 is the red/gold and V2 features my custom design with Sirius (with the bubbles)

JackDaRippa 06-11-2010 23:38

Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince
2 Attachment(s)
Part 6 of 8: Half-Blood Prince

JackDaRippa 06-11-2010 23:42

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1
4 Attachment(s)
Part 7 of 8: Deathly Hallows Pt 1

As of 7/9/11, 2 versions are now available. The 2nd version utilizes blue-toned studio key art on the FC and various different pictures on the BC.

JackDaRippa 06-11-2010 23:43

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2
4 Attachment(s)
Part 8 of 8: Deathly Hallows Pt 1

As of 11/22/11, 2 versions are now available. Version #1 has a darker background (first in preview) and Version #2 has a lighter background with some supporting characters in the background.

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