DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs (https://www.customaniacs.org/forum/)
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spaceman 28-05-2010 01:56

2 Attachment(s)
Custom cover for the above film

hectorpacheco 28-05-2010 08:05


johnq 28-05-2010 20:10

Nice one,many thanks.

Belfast 01-06-2010 23:48

Great Cover Mate Cheers

kandlelight 15-06-2010 19:50

Wonderful custom cover...thanks so much.

ChoudderBoy 28-08-2010 12:31

lovely thank you very much

tharedalbum 30-08-2010 06:05


hybrid-god 30-08-2010 19:01

Looking good! Thanks! :thu

Tomay01 31-08-2010 11:00

That'll do me, cheers

xsaracup 01-09-2010 08:37


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