DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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Shyshy 06-09-2009 11:08

The Godfather - The Coppola Restoration
2 Attachment(s)
The Godfather - The Coppola Restoration Custom Blu-ray Cover.

5starjunkee 10-12-2009 14:45

Nice Set

haessig 02-01-2010 06:42

merci beaucoup

Burntman 03-02-2010 12:58

thank you

lrod500 03-02-2010 23:52

That's a beautiful cover. I will be using this. Thanks a lot.

chefazn 02-04-2010 03:04

Nice cover!

POPE305MIKE 17-01-2011 18:56


berko 04-03-2011 06:45

Beautiful job Shyshy!! Thanks!!

Shyshy 04-03-2011 19:41

Thanks for comments. Much appreciated!

agaricus 08-07-2011 15:21

thanks for that!

BKJPC3 13-09-2011 11:53

is this cover designed for 11mm or 14mm spine? thanks

SNAKE01 26-08-2013 03:57

Classy and cool

BagheeraMcGee 23-08-2014 04:55

Outstanding work! Thank you!

neo_y2k 01-10-2015 12:22

good cover

hukem016 03-04-2016 17:22

Mooi stukje werk en bedankt hoor!!!

EliW0894 23-01-2019 04:42

After downloading, I just noticed you made two errors. First, you have it saying "DVD supplements" instead of Blu-ray supplements. Secondly, just after that, you missed the "n" in the word "on". Otherwise, this is a beautiful cover.

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