DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

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Kaleigha 31-07-2015 04:52

Mad Max: Fury Road
7 Attachment(s)
I did a stand alone version of the new Mad Max movie, but I thought I would add one for my little collection, too. There are two different backgrounds, each with two sizes. Version one is the animated background, version two is a metal background. Both come in the 3173 x 1762 12mm spine and the 3212 x 1762 14mm spine sizes.

A standard size 3D version has been added, as requested.

The rest of the color collection is available HERE
Black and White version HERE
Matching label HERE

cas 31-07-2015 10:29

wow wowwo cool thank you so much

nightcrawler23 15-08-2015 04:07

other movies of the saga it's possible???

haessig 15-08-2015 12:43


juancarlosabcd 24-08-2015 01:10

other movies of the saga it's possible?

coverfreak123 16-09-2015 01:37

Great work! Is there also a version without page curl? would be cool

djvirage 18-09-2016 17:48

Many Thanks For The Request Mate!!!

Ogham Soothsayer 15-01-2019 01:04

Honestly, I like the page curl, there are no age stamps, no barcodes, no other noise on your layout, I'll take a page curl any day with these kind of designs, thanks again for another great upload.

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