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Unread 24-03-2008, 18:18
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077 - And God Created Woman dvd cover

the Criterion Collection 77

The astounding success of Roger Vadim’s And God Created Woman revolutionized the foreign film market and turned Brigitte Bardot into an international star. Bardot stars as Juliette, an 18-year-old orphan whose unbridled appetite for pleasure shakes up all of St. Tropez; her sweet but naďve husband Michel (Jean-Louis Trintignant) endures beatings, insults, and mambo in his attempts to tame her wild ways. Criterion presents this milestone of cinematic naughtiness in a stunning new 16x9 Eastmancolor transfer, supervised by the late director.
077 - And God Created Woman dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
077-And God Created Woman.rar (4.33 MB,  downloaders )

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