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Unread 13-02-2019, 12:47
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Fejinwales Fejinwales is offline
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Big Bang Theory Complete Series blu-ray cover

This set of covers was made initially as a request by slcrum74 to fit the 3212 Bluray covers, but then was requested as an expanded edition of four 14mm 6-way cases that could hold all 12 seasons by Airbroke.

Therefor the covers that this set was designed for are the 3212 x 1762 (170 pixel - 14mm spine). And accorfing to Airbroke will be: "perfect to combine the seasons into four 6-disc cases"

The cases run from 1 - 4 as opposed to season 1, 2 and so on.
How you decide to split the disks between the cases is up to you.
Big Bang Theory Complete Series blu-ray cover
Big Bang Theory Complete Series blu-ray cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Case 1.rar (2.88 MB,  downloaders )
Case 2.rar (2.92 MB,  downloaders )
Case 3.rar (2.94 MB,  downloaders )
Case 4.rar (2.97 MB,  downloaders )
“For me, it is far better to grasp the world as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying or reassuring.”

Last edited by Fejinwales; 13-02-2019 at 13:37.