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Unread 02-05-2014, 19:05
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Fejinwales Fejinwales is offline
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Big Bang Theory Complete blu-ray cover

This set assumes that there are two BD disks per season as there have been up until season 6 and they are made fro the 3317 x 1762 (295 pixel - 25mm spine) - UK Vortex 6-8 cases

The cases run from 1 - 4 as opposed to season 1, 2 and so on.
How you decide to split the disks between the cases is up to you.
You could put three seasons in each of the first three and season ten in the last case, or put five disks in each case, spitting seasons.

As with the previous covers, the backs are virtually the same apart from the episode previews.

Case 4 will be ready when an episode or two of season 10 have about two years..
In the meantime should you want the last two cover to store the sets you have please let me know and I will send them to you.
Big Bang Theory Complete blu-ray cover
Big Bang Theory Complete blu-ray cover
Big Bang Theory Complete blu-ray cover
Big Bang Theory Complete blu-ray cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
UK TBBT UK Vortex 6-Way Case 1.rar (3.06 MB,  downloaders )
UK TBBT UK Vortex 6-Way Case 2.rar (3.12 MB,  downloaders )
UK TBBT UK Vortex 6-Way Case 3.rar (3.27 MB,  downloaders )
“For me, it is far better to grasp the world as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying or reassuring.”

Last edited by Fejinwales; 28-09-2014 at 11:43.