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Unread 03-12-2013, 19:08
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Planet Earth - BBC Earth dvd label

These labels are for SINGLE LAYER discs. The episodes fit quite nicely without any compression. The BBC version was released in 2006, and the Discovery Channel released them in North America soon after. Both versions of each label are included in the files.
Planet Earth - BBC Earth dvd label
Planet Earth - BBC Earth dvd label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Planet Earth single layer disc label D1.rar (1.15 MB,  downloaders )
Planet Earth single layer disc label D2.rar (1.00 MB,  downloaders )
Planet Earth single layer disc label D3.rar (1.47 MB,  downloaders )
Planet Earth single layer disc label D4.rar (1.25 MB,  downloaders )
Planet Earth single layer disc label D5.rar (2.21 MB,  downloaders )
Planet Earth single layer disc label D6.rar (1.93 MB,  downloaders )
Planet Earth single layer disc label D7.rar (2.10 MB,  downloaders )