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Unread 13-11-2013, 22:21
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Fejinwales Fejinwales is offline
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New Tricks Series 9 & 10 dvd cover

I decided, as I did with the previous ones, to keep the back character and faded image the same to keep a level of continuity between the covers. Just changing the colours and front image to match the newer series. And in this case, as there is an extra character I've had to adjust items on the back to accommodate.

As with the others it is for case size 3370 x 2175 with 300px spine.
New Tricks Series 9 & 10 dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
New Tricks Seasons 9 & 10 (3370 x 2175).rar (3.01 MB,  downloaders )
“For me, it is far better to grasp the world as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying or reassuring.”