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Unread 11-08-2013, 07:18
singemfrc singemfrc is offline

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Star Wars - Complete Saga Bonus Material blu-ray label

These looked like the scanned original labels, but they're custom made.

I wanted to use the same label design as the original labels, but I could never get the quality I wanted scanning the originals and dealing with all the moire.

So, I created them from scratch. I recreated the gradients in the background, the blu ray strip, and on the star wars logo, did some digging and found what font the title was, and pretty much mirrored the original labels piece by piece.

I've already printed using these and it looks outstanding, well worth the time it took to make them.
Star Wars - Complete Saga Bonus Material blu-ray label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
swbonus1.rar (357.9 KB,  downloaders )
swbonus2.rar (359.4 KB,  downloaders )
swbonus3.rar (360.8 KB,  downloaders )