Thread: The Shining
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Unread 28-07-2013, 01:02
singemfrc singemfrc is offline

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The Shining blu-ray label

A wide variety of custom Blu Ray labels. I'm partial to #4. I looked at using the outside of the hotel or the overhead shot of the maze but couldn't get good enough images.
The Shining blu-ray label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
shining v1.rar (657.3 KB,  downloaders )
shining v2.rar (817.4 KB,  downloaders )
shining v3.rar (721.1 KB,  downloaders )
shining v4.rar (900.0 KB,  downloaders )
shining v5.rar (757.8 KB,  downloaders )
shining v6.rar (624.1 KB,  downloaders )
shining v7.rar (731.0 KB,  downloaders )
shining v8.rar (910.9 KB,  downloaders )