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Unread 15-05-2013, 12:20

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Spaghetti Western Collection - Django dvd cover

DJANGO (1966)

starring Franco Nero, Loredana Nusciak
directed by Sergio Corbucci

Part of my Spaghetti Western Collection, an on-going set that I will add more titles to over time.

***2-FOR-1***: each RAR file has 2 versions of the cover (one with and one without special features) to accommodate the plethora of different releases these films tend to get.

To see the rest of the collection CLICK HERE

For thinpak version CLICK HERE
Spaghetti Western Collection - Django dvd cover
Spaghetti Western Collection - Django dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Django V1.rar (6.25 MB,  downloaders )
Django V2.rar (6.02 MB,  downloaders )